International Standard Serial Number:

ISSN 1001-4551


Zhejiang University;

Zhejiang Machinery and Electrical Group

Edited by:

Editorial of Journal of Mechanical & Electrical Engineering

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Vice Chief Editor:

TANG ren-zhong,

LUO Xiang-yang






No.9 Gaoguannong,Daxue Road,Hangzhou,China




Vibration feature and identification methods of gas turbine rotor blade fracture fault
Published:2021-10-20 author: Browse: 1425 Check PDF documents
Vibration feature and identification methods of 
gas turbine rotor blade fracture fault

JIANG Zhi-nong1,2, WANG Zhong1, HU Ming-hui1,2, FENG Kun2, HE Ya1

1.Key Lab of Engine Health MonitoringControl and Networking of Ministry of Education, Beijing University of 
Chemical Technology, Beijing 100029, China;
2.Beijing Key Laboratory of High-end Mechanical Equipment 
Health Monitoring and Self Recovery, Beijing University of Chemical Technology, Beijing 100029, China)

Abstract: Aiming at the diagnosis of fracture fault, a typical fault mode of gas turbine rotor blades, the sensitive vibration features and effective fault identification methods under the excitation of rotor blade fracture were studied to ensure gas turbine’s safe and stable operation. Firstly, the casingstator blade was taken as the research object. Combining with gas turbine blades’ structural and load characteristics, the dynamic model and motion equations under the fracture excitation were established based on the fault mechanism of rotor blade fracture. By solving and analyzing vibration responses, the fault mechanism feature of blade fracture was studied, and it was convenient for monitoring and analysis in engineering. Furthermore, the fault identification method based on the wavelet transform algorithm was proposed. Finally, the effectiveness of the proposed fault mechanism feature and identification method was verified by a gas turbine blade fracture fault case. The results indicate that the blade passing frequency is the main excitation frequency of the system, and its amplitude has a characteristic of step-type abrupt decreasing after the rotor blade is broken. Combining with the wavelet transform algorithm, the blade fracture fault can be effectively identified. The research results can provide a certain reference for fault diagnosis of gas turbine rotor blade fracture.

Key words: sensitive vibration features; blade fracture; fault identification methods; fault mechanism; wavelet transform

JIANG Zhi ̄nong,WANG Zhong,HU Ming ̄hui, et al. Vibration feature and identification methods of gas turbine rotor blade fracture fault[]. Journal of Me ̄chanical & Electrical Engineering, 2021,38():935 -943.

  • Chinese Core Periodicals
  • Chinese Sci-tech Core Periodicals
  • SA, INSPEC Indexed
  • CSA: T Indexed
  • UPD:Indexed

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