《机电工程》杂志,月刊( 详细... )
中国标准连续出版物号: ISSN 1001-4551 CN 33-1088/TH
主编:陈 晓
副 主 编:唐任仲、罗向阳(执行主编)
总 经 理:罗向阳
出 版:浙江《机电工程》杂志社有限公司
地 址:杭州市上城区延安路95号浙江省机电集团大楼二楼211、212室
订阅:全国各地邮局 国外代号:M3135
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作者:滕永勤,刘锋 日期:2009-06-17/span> 浏览:3691 查看PDF文档
(浙江省环境保护科学设计研究院,浙江 杭州 310007)
Controller performance based on wireless network states time delays
TENG Yongqin, LIU Feng
(Environmental Science Research & Design Institute of Zhejiang Province, Hangzhou 310007, China)
Abstract: Aiming at studying the effect of control systems performance in the present of delays based on the different networkload state in wireless networked control systems. Firstly,based on wireless networkloads state, network delays were analyzed, then a mathematical model with network delays was presented and further analyzed over network loads state. And then, control performance index was proposed, and the controller was optimized by using Discrete Linear Quadratic Regulator(DLQR) methods. Meanwhile, the influence of time deiays for control performance was analyzed. Finally, simulation results show that the mean and the result of the study are valid by a model.
Key words: wireless network; load state; delays; performance index; optimization
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