《机电工程》杂志,月刊( 详细... )

中国标准连续出版物号 ISSN 1001-4551 CN 33-1088/TH
主编陈 晓
副 主 编唐任仲、罗向阳(执行主编)
总 经 理罗向阳
出 版浙江《机电工程》杂志社有限公司
地 址杭州市上城区延安路95号浙江省机电集团大楼二楼211、212室
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当前位置: 机电工程 >>在线杂志


作者:张宇,周喜川,沈海斌 日期:2007-10-24/span> 浏览:4339 查看PDF文档


(浙江大学 电气工程学院,浙江 杭州 310027)


Improvement of negative selection algorithm based on hamming distance
ZHANG Yu, ZHOU Xichuan, SHEN Haibin
(College of Electrical Engineering, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou 310027, China)
Abstract: Negative selection algorithm is one of core algorithm of artificial immune system, the quantity of effective detectors and holes are two element of the system using negative select algorithm. A threshold adjustable negative algorithm was presented, which was based on continuous r bits matching rule and hamming distance matching rule. This new algorithm reduces the number of effective detectors and holes, which are inevitable in negative selection algorithm. Experimentations based on this algorithm show that the new algorithm reduces the number of detectors and holes dramatically.
Key words: artificial immune system; negative selection algorithm; hamming distance; threshold of matching; hole

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